10 Marvel And DC Comics You Should Be Reading In 2019

2. Immortal Hulk

Immortal Hulk 15
Marvel Comics/Alex Ross

There's a reason why Al Ewing was tasked with leading festivities for Marvel Comics #1000, and if it isn't because he's currently helming the best Marvel book on stands, then it must be because he knows everything there is to know about Marvel editorial. Spill the beans, Al!

In all seriousness, you'd struggle to find a book as affecting as Immortal Hulk. There's the classic Jekyll and Hyde back-and-forth between Bruce Banner and the not-so-jolly jade giant, only Ewing manages to delve deep into that dichotomy and extract something new and invigorating. Add to that Joe Bennett's pencils, a stunning selection of covers from Alex Ross and a top-notch plot that continues to push boundaries, and it's easy to understand the hype.

The less you know about Immortal Hulk's story, the better. The beauty in the book is that it keeps managing to raise the bar with each issue, and the best thing is that even those not accustomed to the Hulk's classic comics can enjoy it.

Easy to read, and utterly engrossing, Immortal Hulk is Marvel's best comic set in the main universe, and one fans simply must read at some point in the future. (Preferably now.)

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.