10 Marvel Characters More Powerful Than Captain Marvel

7. Hyperion

Rogue Captain Marvel
Marvel Comics

As one of the Marvel characters most closely paralleling Superman, it's only natural that Hyperion is absolutely overloaded in terms of powers. While there have been three Hyperions - all with the same incredibly strong atomic powers - the strongest has to be the most recent, as Marcus Milton also has the side benefit of being an Eternal.

As Eternals automatically come with superstrength, flight, and heat blasts, it can be seen that Marcus takes the powers of the previous Hyperions, and increases everything twofold.

While Marcus does have his own variation on kryptonite, being powered down by argonite, even this doesn't totally remove his abilities, meaning even were Captain Marvel to cover herself in the mineral, Hyperion would still put up a decent fight.

While Hyperion isn't undefeatable - he and Captain Marvel share in that the Hulk has beat both of them - he certainly has a roster of powers that would challenge, and likely beat, Carol Danvers.


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