10 Marvel Characters More Powerful Than Captain Marvel

6. Black Bolt

Rogue Captain Marvel
Marvel Comics

Given Black Bolt's main issue in life is how ridiculously dangerous his powers have the potential to be, it's safe to say that he's significantly more powerful than Captain Marvel.

Bolt has been canonically described as able to destroy planets while using his scream at his strongest capacity, and while this ability does sound as badass as is possible, it's also a pretty unnerving thing to be constantly aware you could do.

Any noise from Bolt creates these shockwaves, meaning even the most gentle whisper could look like an aggressive gesture to someone not in the know.

While Black Bolt is unmistakably more powerful than Captain Marvel, it's also unmistakably at his own detriment. On the plus side, Bolt can telepathically speak to his family, meaning that he can at least get them to apologise when his wild powers level a building.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.