10 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Video Game
9. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe and would be an absolute blast to play as. That in itself should be enough reason for Marvel to consider giving Carol Danvers her own video game. She can fly, she has superhuman strength and durability and can even shoot blasts of energy. Those powers already translate quite well to a video game setting.
Providing players with that power set combined with a few open world planets to complete tasks and story missions in, and you'd have people eagerly awaiting for its release. It's not often we see the sci-fi side of the Marvel universe represented outside of the comics, so it would be really cool to let players loose on planets such as Skrullos, Hala and Xandar.
When it comes to the story of the game, the developers have lots of different directions they could choose from. They could frame the game as an origin story, or set it in the middle of Danvers' career as a superhero. Doomsday Man, Yon-Rogg or even the Supreme Intelligence could serve as the game's antagonist. Or perhaps they've all teamed up against Carol.
A Marvel game set in space is simply too good of an opportunity to ignore.