10 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Video Game

8. Ghost Rider

Gamora Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel Comics

Ghost Rider is a bit of an under-appreciated Marvel character, barely getting any exposure in the MCU and even less in the video games. While he did get his own game in 2007 based off the recent movie, it was hardly anything to write home about. The Spirit of Vengeance deserves a proper title of his own that allows players to judge the souls of the dammed.

One key aspect that could set Ghost Rider aside from the rest would be the implementation of his iconic motorcycle. As long as it controls well and doesn't distract from the rest of the gameplay then it could be a really fun way to travel around the game. While there have been several different Ghost Riders over the years, Johnny Blaze seems an obvious choice, being the first Ghost Rider.

Hack and slash combat may be the best option for the game, letting players string together combos as they use a mixture of Ghost Rider's signature chain alongside more supernatural abilities. Developers could even incorporate the old Hellfire Shotgun, just to mix things up a bit. The ultimate finishing move would have to be Ghost Rider's penance stare.

One thing has to be in the game though, and that is Mephisto. Whether he's the main antagonist or your boss, you can't have a Ghost Rider game without featuring the devil himself.


Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.