10 Marvel Characters You Didn't Know Were Avengers

7. Namor

Blade Avengers
Marvel Comics

When the Sub-Mariner is forced to adequate his throne, he finds himself at a bit of a loose end. Feeling sorry for himself, he takes to moping about and spending his time at the Hydrobase.

It's while on one of his visits there that he has a chance meeting with the Avengers on the 1980s. Seemingly happy to be left alone, it takes a surprise attack from Hercules to snap him out of his funk.

After the Olympian insulted him and then attacked, a great throw down ensued that sent shock waves through the island. This would draw out the rest of the Avengers who would put a stop to it, before accusing Namor of being the one who started the whole thing.

They were surprised to find out that it had, in fact, been all the work of Hercules, who justified his actions by saying that he had been tired of Namor's epic sulk and had thought that this would be the perfect way to snap have snapped him out of it.

And it worked.

A laughing Namor was pleased with this, as it had helped him clear his head, and when he was offered a spot on the team, he eagerly accepted.

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The Avengers
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Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.