10 Marvel Duos Who Will Never Meet In The MCU

6. Deadpool And Thanos

Captain America Wolverine

Deadpool’s conflicted relationship with death has been a staple of his character for years. His advanced healing factor makes him almost impossible to kill, but he doesn’t exactly enjoy the life he’s led.

What complicates things further is that, in his experience, death is not just the concept of life’s end, but a physical being, one whom he has developed a strong romantic attraction to.

Not only did Deadpool’s powers of regeneration provide a huge obstacle in the would-be relationship, he also had a romantic rival to contend with, the mad titan Thanos. Another powerful being with a skewed view of death, Thanos was enraged at having this scabby, stabby idiot in the way of his love.

Thanos cursed Wade Wilson with eternal life, so he and Lady Death could never be together, as if the healing factor wasn’t enough.

There are several reasons why this could never happen in the movies. The character of Death hasn’t been adapted into any onscreen Marvel universe. Thanos was killed for good in Endgame, and even if he and Deadpool did cross paths, the confusion between Josh Brolin’s Thanos and Josh Brolin’s Cable might prove too much to handle.


Daniel Carville hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.