10 Marvel Heroes With Surprisingly Tragic Origins

1. Rage

Skin X-Men
Marvel Comics

In the most cliche origin story of all time, Elvin Haliday found himself exposed to toxic waste after hiding from his school's bullies, the fumes of which would transform him from his weedy 13-year-old self into a super-strong invulnerable thirty-year-old - which makes perfect sense, if you squint real hard.

It's seemingly totally ignored that, while Elvin is a buff badass now, he is also still internally a teen, meaning that all the life-threatening adventures he goes on are less cool, and more morally dubious, as the Avengers send him on several missions before they discover his true nature.

This lack of concern for the technical thirteen-year-old would stay consistent throughout Rage's time in comics, all the way up until his death in Venomised #2 - proving that Marvel will kill as many kids as they want, so long as they don't actively look like children.

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Scarlet Witch Comics
Marvel Comics

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