10 Marvel Heroes With Surprisingly Tragic Origins

2. Throg

Skin X-Men
Marvel Comics

Of all the heroes you'd expect to have a tragic backstory, a member of the Pet Avengers has to be pretty low down on that list. But despite his bright, cheery amphibian exterior, Throg actually has a heartbreaking backstory - and a very, very surprising one.

Because Throg wasn't born as Throg. He wasn't even born as Puddlegulp - his frog name before he picked up a fragment of Mjolnir. No, Throg was first known as Simon Walterson, as we learn in the Pet Avengers series that Throg started out life as a college football star who was, in fact, human.

After the death of his wife and unborn child in an unexplained accident, Simon fell into a deep depression, turning to witchcraft to try and speak to his loved ones just once more. While a witch successfully did just that, she was also out of Simon's price range, and when he was unable to pay she turned him into a frog.

Which means that, yes, your favourite child-friendly Pet Avenger has one of the most messed up stories in the entire of the Marvel universe. Enjoy the nightmares.


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