10 Marvel Heroes With Surprisingly Tragic Origins

8. Skin

Skin X-Men
Marvel Comics

Mixing the world's creepiest superpower and the world's saddest backstory into one huge mess, Skin started out life as Angel Espinosa, a young man dating a gang member named Tores. After Tores turned a night drive into a drive-by shooting, the stress of this event would kickstart Angel's dormant powers; turning him grey, giving him the ability to stretch his skin out several feet, and knocking him out cold.

This was surprising enough to Tores that she crashed the car, leaving Angel to regain consciousness in a car wreck, with his girlfriend nowhere to be found having presumably fled the scene - and her friend dead in the burning remains.

Fearing how his family would react to his unnerving mutation - and knowing that Tores would likely face murder charges for the car accident were a witness to be alive - Espinosa left town, joining the X-Men in hopes of learning how to control his powers.


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