10 Messed Up DC Villains You Won't Believe Exist

8. Dollmaker

Junior Secret Six
DC Comics

Not everyone has heard of the Dollmaker but comic fans have definitely heard of his work. Remember when the Joker had his face surgically removed and then he wore his own face as a mask? That operation was carried out by Barton Mathis, better-known as the Dollmaker.

When he was a boy, his serial-killing father, Wesley, forced Barton to join him on his "hunting trips". They would head to the woods, kidnap civilians, where Wesley would kill and eat them.

During one of these trips, Wesley was shot dead by the police officer, Jim Gordon. Although this allowed Barton to be free of his father's wicked ways, he had become too accustomed to murder and so, became a serial killer himself. He created a mask from Wesley's skin and took on the name, the Dollmaker.

To carry out his father's legacy, the Dollmaker raised his daughter, Matilda, the same way Wesley raised him. Matilda eventually grafted a doll mask to her face and took on the name, Dollhouse. The pair teamed up with other like-minded criminals to form a group that kidnaps civilians to sell their organs on the black market.

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