10 Messed Up DC Villains You Won't Believe Exist

7. Murmur

Junior Secret Six
DC Comics

Michael Amar was a respected surgeon before he developed schizophrenia. He became so unstable from this untreated development that eventually he would kill any passerby and slice off their tongues, hoping this would stop him from hearing voices.

By the time he was arrested, the police tied twelve murders to him, but they believe he was responsible for at least fifty. Because Amar has a nervous tic that causes him to speak about his crimes, he cut his tongue out and sowed his mouth shut to avoid incriminating himself.

While in prison, Amar learned he couldn't be killed by the lethal injection because his one-of-a-kind blood type rendered him immune to it. He developed a virus from his blood and infected the entire prison, believing that killing them all would finally bring him peace.

The sad thing about Murmur is he is one of the few supervillains who led a normal life and was a genuinely nice person. His evil actions are purely because of the intense paranoia that developed in him as a result of untreated psychological issues. However, this doesn't justify the atrocities he's committed or the lives he has taken away.

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