10 METAL Moments From Dark Nights: Metal
1. Justice League Breaks The Source Wall

Dark Nights: Metal and the events that follow set the stage for an all new status quo in DC, with new characters, new motivations, and new threats, all spinning from this one epic story.
The good news is our heroes managed to defeat Barbatos using tenth metal, which has the power to create and destroy based on the desires of its wielder. The bad news is those same heroes inadvertently created all sorts of matter and in doing so broke the Source Wall, the boundary of the known DC multiverse.
This wall not only kept everything in the multiverse from getting out, but also kept all matter of threats from coming in. To put it in Aquaman's words "Our universe, the whole thing...is like a tiny fish bowl that got poured into the damn ocean". His analogy is extremely accurate and it illustrates how much of the unknown exists beyond the broken barrier of this particular multiverse.
We have already been witness to some of these threats up close, as seen in Justice League: No Justice, a story that sees celestial beings known as the Omega Titans venture past the broken barrier, to destroy the now very vulnerable earth.