10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Justice League Unlimited

2. There's A REALLY Subtle BTAS Reference In Epilogue

Justice League Unlimited
Warner Bros.

In a delightfully easy to miss sequence, the final scene of 'Epilogue' contains Terry McGinnis perfectly mirroring Man-Bat's appearance in the first episode of Batman: The Animated Series - although McGinnis does the sequence backwards.

To perfect this obscure moment, a police officer on board the aircraft Terry flies past remarks "Did you see that?", which is also the exact line spoken in BTAS' pilot episode.

It's perhaps one of the sweetest moments in the show, as it's clear that the team were affectionately mirroring this scene in order to show just how much they loved it. Well, and that Gotham appears hard to animate - but that's neither here nor there.


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