10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Justice League Unlimited

1. It References One Of DC's Darkest Comics

Justice League Unlimited
Warner Bros.

'The Enemy Below' is arguably one of the best storylines in the Justice League cartoon, showcasing the overwise dorky-seeming Aquaman as an undeniable badass.

However, this story originates from a much, much darker place than merely wanting to make the Lord of Atlantis finally seem kind of cool. Comic fans likely spent the entire of the story's two episodes sweating nervously, as Aquaman being in danger with his son bears a remarkable resemblance to the infamous 'Death of a Prince' storyline, where the innocent Aquababy is straight-up murdered.

Mercifully, while the Justice League - and especially Justice League Unlimited - did have dark moments, they veered away from including child death. This said, if you ever have an Aquaman fan you want to freak out, play the episode and ask them what they think is going to happen, and watch them gently panic for a solid hour.

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DC Quiz: How Well Do You REALLY Know The Justice League?

Justice League DC Rebirth
Ed Benes/DC Comics

1. Which Of These Is Not One Of The Seven Original Members Of The Justice League?


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