10 Modern Comic Book Runs Destined To Become Classics

8. Mark Waid's Daredevil

Thor Statue
Marvel Comics/Chris Samnee

Everyone loves the Frank Miller run on Daredevil for how effectively it set the tone of the character. He managed to distinguish the Man Without Fear from his contemporaries, creating a gritty, bloody Noir story with genuine maturity and pathos.

Eventually however - as every Daredevil fan undoubtedly knows - that can get tiring, especially when future generations of writers take the wrong lessons from that era of comic books.

Enter the always wonderful Mark Waid, who took over Daredevil for a lauded run at the start of the decade. While his Daredevil definitely has his pathos, especially given where the character was during the time he had just taken over, the overriding tone of the book was plain and simple fun.

Daredevil had been rivalling Spider-Man for the biggest sad sack superhero for some time now, so seeing Matt actually have some damn fun with the idea of being Daredevil for a change was a welcome shift in tone.

The artwork was done by the team of Paolo and Joe Rivera, as well as Javier Rodriguez, who come out with not only a beautifully expressive look for all of the characters, but easily one of the most creative visualizations of Daredevil's sonar powers to date. Then came the formidable Chris Samnee, which made the book Marvel's best-looking for years.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?