10 More Insane Versions Of Batman You Won't Believe Exist

4. Industrial Revolution Batman

rsz_00fc Set during the american industrial revolution, Golden Streets of Gotham is like Batman with the feel of Bioshock Infinite. The story features a strong workers unionist theme and features a working class Batman trying to fight for justice. Bruno Vanekow is a working class labourer and he finds out that his parents were killed in a factory fire, caused by the factory owner Joseph Chillingham. Helped by reporter Barbra Gordon and unionist Selina Kyle (who is also the daughter of the mayor), Bruno is inspired to fight crime and injustice. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, he happens upon the Batman suit on his first job. Through his alter ego, he is able to help worker unionists, along with the help of some one who has the mask of a cat (You get one guess...). However Batman is then blamed for a string of murders involving lower class women by the mayor and intervenes in proceeding riots, which forces him to go underground. However, it is eventually revealed that the murders are being perpetrated by a theatre clown and ex-foreman of Chillingham who proceeded to murder all the survivors of the fire that Buruo's parents died in. Saving Chillingham and leaving the clown burn in a fire, Batman saves the day. Selina Kyle unmasks and calls out her dad's corruption but then Batman turns himself in to be tried in the justice system. Is anyone starting to realise all the similarities between Bioshock Infinite's alternate reality concept and all these versions of Batman? Because you definitely should be.
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Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.