10 More X-Men Fates Worse Than Death

7. Being Turned Into A Sentinel - X-Men #65 (1997)

Adamantium Bones Ripped Out
Marvel Comics

After the psionic mutant, Onslaught, decimated the world, disdain towards mutantkind was at an all-time high. The deranged bigot, Bastion, noticed the rising tensions towards mutants and saw it as the perfect opportunity to initiate a cleansing against them called Operation: Zero Tolerance.

Like many mad men before him, Bastion prepped an army of Sentinels to wipe out mutants. But unlike the X-Men's other foes, Bastion created a battalion composed of human/Sentinel hybrids called Prime Sentinels. Using nanotechnology, Bastion infected thousands of people at random, which allowed him to turn them into his mindless minions at the flip of a switch. Because the infected didn't even know they carried the Sentinel nanobots, they were sleeper agents, making them even more effective at taking down the X-Men.

When Rogue noticed she couldn't absorb the powers of a Prime Sentinel, she realised that anyone corrupted by Bastion's nanobots had their personality wiped. Although there were few exceptions since Karima and Lady Deathstrike had Bastion's reprogramming reversed, the majority of Prime Sentinels were regarded as good as dead once the nanobots took over their minds.

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