10 Most Badass Wolverine Moments

8. Taking Down The Hellfire Club - Uncanny X-Men #133

Wolverine Hulk
Marvel Comics

Chris Claremont's legendary run on X-Men contains many renown tales that are still talked about and referenced today, one of which being, of course, the Dark Phoenix Saga.

There's a lot that happens in the original version of this legendary Marvel storyline that most adaptations either cut out or pretend never even happened at all. Which is a shame because what movie wouldn't want a villainous organization called the Hellfire Club as their antagonist? Especially since one of the best Wolverine moments involves them.

After getting handed their generous collective asses, Wolverine is the last X-Man left standing, which is definitely a problem for the Hellfire Club, as he immediately goes on a tear through their HQ.

It's almost hilarious how little of a chance they stand against Wolverine as he claws and fights his way through a small battalion of advanced, heavily armed soldiers, even scaring the daylights out of one poor sod whom he gets alone and verbally spells out how small his chance of actually taking him down is, and that he really should just run for it.

It's a dynamic fight scene that both helped to establish how awesome this arc is and how much of a badass Wolverine as a character is in readers' heads.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?