10 Most Badass Wolverine Moments
9. Lobotomizing The Hulk - Savage Wolverine #5

Seeing as how Wolverine was originally a Hulk baddie, it only makes sense that his debut appearance was far from the last time he and the jade giant went head to head.
One of the best fights the two have had comes from the anthology series, Savage Wolverine, and its 5th issue, featuring Wolverine teaming up with Amadeus Cho and Shanna the She-Devil to prevent the destruction of a machine that's keeping one of the Savage Land's biggest monsters from breaking free and killing everyone. However, the monster is clever, and has been luring people here to destroy the machine for it.
When Wolverine proves too stubborn for its control, it instead chooses a more...explosive candidate: The Hulk. The Hulk comes to the Savage Land and, in true Hulk fashion, starts just destroying everything in the general direction of the machine. Hulk fights Wolverine and his two team-up buddies, tossing them around like a salad.
Not seeing another option, Wolverine leaps onto The Hulk at the last second and runs his claws straight into his skull, lobotomizing him.
Now, this is still The Hulk we're talking about here, so he regenerates pretty quickly, and he had already destroyed the machine enough for the beast to get free besides, but lobotomizing The freaking HULK is still a pretty boss move.