10 Most Brutal Injuries Batman Has Suffered

5. Everything In Injustice - Injustice

Batman Injured Thumbnail
DC Comics

Speaking of Batman in video games, the Injustice series is not too kind to old Batsy.

Injustice is essentially developer NetherRealm's Mortal Kombat series but set in the DC Universe. The games see regular Joes like Batman going up against powerhouses such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Black Adam, and even Darkseid.

The canon explanation of how someone like Bruce can go toe-to-toe with these titans in both the games and the comic series is via an engineered pill. The pill grants the user superhuman strength, durability, and all that jazz but still, some of the ultimate moves are enough to ruin a Kryptonian.

From being jettisoned into the atmosphere to being punched into the moon and back, Batman can suffer a great deal during a single playthrough. However, one of the worst injuries comes from the game's comic book series.

After a heated debate between Clark Kent and Bruce, Clark mimics Bane by raising his former friend over his head and bringing him crashing down. One can only imagine the pain of having an enraged Kryptonian do that to a then non-super-pilled Batman, but at least it wouldn't be long before Bruce and his allies unseated the dictatorial Superman.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.