10 Most Brutal Injuries Batman Has Suffered

4. High Speed Car Crash - The Dark Knight

Batman Injured Thumbnail
Warner Bros.

This one is a strange addition because it SHOULD be a brutal injury but is treated as if it was no more than a small bump.

The moment I'm talking about is a very particular scene during Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy. Christian Bale's Batman suffers from a number of scrapes throughout the trilogy from being mauled by dogs, falling off buildings, and having his back broken (again).

Despite framing itself as a more realistic take on the Dark Knight, the Nolan movies have several unbelievable moments. For instance, Bruce supposedly lost all cartilage in his knee but barely seemed to notice. Another moment was when he was crushed under his childhood manor only to jump right back into action.

But the one scene that stands out is during The Dark Knight when police are escorting an extremely wanted target. Bruce, unarmoured and in a supercar, saves the police van by placing himself in between the cop's car and a speeding Dodge.

All three vehicles collide, pushing two off of the road with poor Bruce sandwiched in the middle, and yet he walks off with nothing more than a bruised noggin.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.