10 Most Dangerous Comic Book Villains That Don't Have Any Powers

3. Lex Luthor

Ra's Al Ghul
Warner Bros.

Lex Luthor is unquestionably Superman's archnemesis, as he hates the Man of Steel with every fibre of his being, often for very little to no reason. One of the smartest men on the planet, Luthor could easily save the planet ten time over through his technology and influence in the global spectrum. However, he squanders his potential for good as he tries over and over again the best Superman.

Luthor has managed to manipulate the DC universe through his business prowess even to the point that he became president. Lex has been at the heart of some of DC's greatest catastrophes.

During the New Krypton storyline, Luthor blew up New Krypton to prevent an invasion from the new Kryptonian planet, rather than using a diplomatic solution. That might sound justifiable - if you think he was doing it for Earth. In another story, Luthor knowing allowed an invasion on the planet so, he can appear like a good leader and earn some political points during his Presidency.

Luthor has always been unpredictable. He can swing from good to evil, depending on how the situation will benefit himself. He has no limits, so long as he can prove that he is the best humanity has to offer.

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I'm a lover of all things comics, movies, videogames and TV, especially when they are steeped in science fiction, fantasy or crime. @LeOmniverse