10 Most Dangerous Comic Book Villains That Don't Have Any Powers

2. Ra's Al Ghul

Ra's Al Ghul
DC Comics

Ra's al Ghul - otherwise known as 'the Head of the Demon' - is the leader of the League of Assassins, and the father of Talia al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, and Dusan al Ghul, not to mention Damian Wayne's grandfather. He has come into conflict primarily with Batman, but also with Superman, and even the collected Justice League on occasion.

Due to the Lazarus Pit, Ra's has lived a prolonged life (not to mention the ability to come back from the dead), and has honed his mind and body into the ultimate warrior and tactician. He is also a skilled alchemist. Due to Ra's long life, he has come to believe that humanity is the threat to a global environmental balance, and thus his ultimate aim is to eliminate the majority of the human populace to, in his eyes, save the world.

Ra's ultimate triumph was over the Justice League when he utilised Batman's contingencies in the infamous Tower of Babel storyline. Using them, he incapacitated every active member of the League, to prevent them from thwarting his latest plan to reduce the world's population.

To Ra's al Ghul humanity is a disease, infecting the world that needs eliminating. His persistence - and the resilience bestowed to him by the Lazarus Pit - makes dealing with his plans to combat humanity a surprisingly challenging task.

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I'm a lover of all things comics, movies, videogames and TV, especially when they are steeped in science fiction, fantasy or crime. @LeOmniverse