10 Most Dangerous Places To Live In The DC Universe
8. Arkham Asylum
The Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane is the psychiatric facility/hospital on the outskirts of Gotham City that houses the foes of Batman that are deemed legally insane or have incarceration needs that couldn’t be filled at the supermax Blackgate Prison. Over the years, incarceration in the Asylum has become a much darker and foreboding affair where even the most insane and hardened inmate would rather go to any prison other than Arkham.
Some believe that Arkham Asylum was doomed from the very beginning. Its own architect went insane in killed several of his builders. Its founder, Amadeus Arkham, named the Asylum after his mother, who suffered from mental illness and committed suicide. Arkham himself became an inmate after he electrocuted the man who raped and murdered his wife and daughter.
The facility has a terrible record of security and a worse one of curing its patients. A shocking number of doctors and staff have become patients. There has been more than one occasion where the patients were literally running the asylum, with either Batman or one of his allies trapped inside. Getting committed to Arkham is the end for all but the worst of the worst lunatics.