10 Most Dangerous Places To Live In The DC Universe
4. Thanagar
Thanagar orbits the star Polaris and is in Green Lantern Space Sector 2682. The ruling class of Thanagar was the Thanagarians or “Hawk-people.” Several lower races inhabit the planet such as the Lizarkons. The Green Lantern of that sector was a Lizarkon named Isamot Kol.
When not at war with their perennial foe, Rann, the High Towers of Thanagar were truly something to see if one has the Nth Metal and wings to get up to them. These areas knew no poverty, no crime, and no hunger. The decadent Thanagarians began to depend on these lower races for all their advances, technological, medical, and artistic. Once used up, they’d conquer more. Some of the lower population of Thanagar were workers, scientists, or cannon fodder, and most were refugees just trying to get home. There were billions of beings held under Thanagarian rule. The only thing the ruling class excelled at was war.
Katar and Shiera Hol, aka Hawkman and Hawkwoman, and the mysterious Nth Metal were truly the only good things to come from this warrior planet. While not as trigger-happy as the Khunds, they were best avoided if possible.