10 Most Dangerous Places To Live In The Marvel Universe

4. Latveria

Doctor Doom Latveria
Marvel Comics

Latveria is a land-locked nation in Eastern Europe near Transylvania. It is bordered by the Carpathian Mountains. Latveria was once a monarchy, passed down through the Fortunov family. The monarchy retained control of the county during World War II. This was despite interest in the nation's technological expertise by Nazi Science Head Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker.

When young Victor Von Doom learned both his mother and father died at the hands of the King, he vowed revenge. He grew up memorizing his father’s Romani healing books and his mother’s sorceress texts and scrolls. After attending college in America which led to his face being disfigured and a long-time animosity with fellow genius Reed Richard, Von Doom returned to Latveria, killed the King, and took control of the country.

Christening himself, Doctor Doom, this autocrat’s word is law within the borders of his nation. He renamed the capital Doomstadt and many of the locations, the airport, the parks, and the streets are named for Doom. The people love Doom and see him as their liberator and refer to him as “Master.” Outsiders are not only not welcome, but they also aren’t tolerated. Doombots patrol the streets and skies and noncompliance is dealt with swiftly and decisively.


John Wilson has been a comic book and pop culture fan his entire life. He has written for a number of websites on the subject over the years and is especially pleased to be at WhatCulture. John has written two comic books for Last Ember Press Studio and has recently self-published a children's book called "Blue." When not spending far too much time on the internet, John spends time with his lovely wife, Kim, their goofy dog, Tesla, and two very spoiled cats.