10 Most Disastrous Comic Book Misprints

4. Amazing Spider-Man #3: Amazing Who?

Spider Man S Weiner
Marvel Comics

Fresh off the blunder of calling his own creation Peter Palmer in issue #1, Stan Lee went and made an even more insane misprint in Amazing Spider-Man #3. We almost didn’t believe it when we saw it, but there it is in ink five decades old (and now on our computer screens). Why the world isn’t constantly talking about this misprint is unknown to us, but really, it should be more of a well-known fact that Marvel referred to Spider-Man as Super-Man.

At least Peter Palmer wasn’t already a famous comic book character when they screwed that one up. But here, considering that Superman is clearly the influence of every hero that came after him, to outright call Spider-Man "Super-Man" seems like a big mistake that could have brought on lawsuits.

And yet no one at Marvel noticed the mistake and the issue went out just as it was, referring to the wallcrawler by the name of his single greatest competitor. Unless Doc Ock was just being a dick about the whole thing and pretending he didn't know who his only enemy was?

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Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.