10 Most Disturbing Comics Relationships

5. Hank Pym And Janet Van Dyne

Harleen Joker Harley Quinn
Marvel Comics

There are few moments that have ruined a character for such a long time as Yellowjacket - better known as Hank Pym - than his decision to backhand his wife during her attempts to console him about being kicked out of the Avengers.

It received widespread fan backlash, and ended up being such a well-remembered moment featuring the character that it created the Irredeemable Ant-Man series, and then led to continued hate for the character that carried pretty much up until the release of the MCU Ant-Man films and related series some thirty years later.

Even then, the character required a total revamp, as few people were comfortable buying a comic starring or featuring such a controversial figure.

While hardcore fans still argue that the panel was not initially intended to show Hank purposefully and forcefully slapping Janet, as the writer intended for Hank to accidentally shove or slap her while turning to face her, the fact is it did still happen on panel - and so put a pretty sour note on the two's relationship for a long time afterwards.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.