10 Most Disturbing Moments In Batman Comics

7. Joker Turns A Man Inside Out - Batman #663

Robin Batman
DC Comics

Anyone who picked up Batman #663 expecting it to be like every other comic is in for the biggest surprise of their lives - for better or for worse. This is because 'The Clown at Midnight' is actually a written story, illustrated in part by a series of uncanny and uncomfortable looking 3d models.

Though this initially looks kind of silly, it quickly becomes apparent that this change has allowed for Batman to get even gorier and creepier than it always can be, because the comic starts with a clown laughing his intestines up, and only get worse from there.

Though it's unlikely to be lauded as the kind of complex and wonderful narrative that The Killing Joke is because it lacks an aesthetically pleasing art style, it more than makes up for it in sheer gross out moments - should you be able to put up with having to actually read the story when you likely expected it fully illustrated.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.