10 Most Disturbing Scenes In Marvel Comics' Ruins

6. Emma Frost Start a Cult

Marvel Ruins Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

In Sheldon's notes, there is a picture of the Church of the Next Generation led by Emma Frost. Frost stands smiling menacingly behind five children with visiblly stitched scars on their bald heads. A handwritten note explains that instead of teaching young mutants, this universe's version of Emma runs a church that performs brain surgery on children to "unlock their latent psychic potential."

The church recruits parents and asks them to legally give up their children for adoption, so that Emma can own them. They then have the parents give a dowry to pay for these surgeries in the hopes that their children gain superpowers.

Most of the examples described in this list are accidents gone wrong or tragic outcomes to terrible events. But this disturbs readers because there is evil in this image. The faces of these children in clear misery hurts the soul, and worse, this isn't an evil limited to just comics. Something like this can happen in our world as well and that is supremely scary.


Sven Engvall is a writer currently residing in the Bay Area. He enjoys reading comics, watching baseball, and writing nonsense on the Internet for fun.