10 Most Disturbing Things The Joker Has Ever Done

9. Took The Lives Of A Live Studio Audience

Joker chair Batman Endgame

If any fans of classic graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns went to see Todd Phillip's recent Joker movie, they surely got a feeling of dread when Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck turns up as a guest on a late night talk show. The scene was more than a little reminiscent of a famous sequence in the comic, when a supposedly 'reformed' Joker appears alongside his psychiatrist on a similar talk show. Although this ended up being one of the most grisly scenes of the movie, it was nowhere near as horrific as the comic book version.

While Arthur Fleck merely shoots the host and is done with it (uh, spoiler alert...? Although if you're reading this list, you've probably seen the Joker movie by now!), comic book Joker takes it several steps further: he has poison laughing gas flown into the studio via a flying, talking robot doll named Bobbie, then flies right out of the studio on Bobbie's back. It's a truly disturbing sight, as the now dead studio audience are left with permanent, horrific Joker grins on their contorted faces, while the Joker is so nonplussed he can't even bring himself to smile.

Not soon after this, through sheer force of will, he snaps his own neck in order to frame Batman for his murder.

Honestly, if you ask me, I'm starting to think this Joker might be a bit of a jerk!

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Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.