10 Most Disturbing X-Men Villains

2. Emplate

X Men Emplate
Marvel Comics

Emplate may not be the most famous X-Men villain, but what he lacks in notoriety he more than makes up for in terror.

Another nightmare from the nineties, Emplate served as a key antagonist of Generation X and is disturbing solely for the fact he has mouth hands. Like, he literally has mouths where his palms should be, and, as anyone who's ever read Sandman will tell you, characters who have mouths where other body parts should be (i.e., the Corinthian) are horrifying.

Emplate adds an even more frightening twist on the old 'mouths-where-they-shouldn't-be' trope though, because he uses them to feed on the bone marrow of other mutants in order to stay maintain his physical existence. If he doesn't, he'll disappear into a realm where he gets tortured forever, so you can understand his desperation to chow down on mutant marrow when the chance arises.

Still though... mouth-palms? That's gotta be up there with what, the top five worst mutations ever?

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.