10 Most Disturbing X-Men Villains

1. Humans... It's Literally Humans

William Stryker X-Men
Marvel Comics

Look, I get you - turning to the last page and finding out the answer is 'you' is probably about as lame as those museum exhibits on the world's most dangerous animals that end with a mirror staring you in the face. But equally, what other characters have caused as much harm to mutantkind than humanity? We're kind of the worst.

Humans have been persecuting mutants for decades now, and that prejudice and persecution invariably leads to disaster. Whether it's Sentinels massacring mutants by the dozen or humans literally sacrificing their own humanity in the aim of self-preservation and anti-mutant hatred, it is ordinary human beings who have committed the most heinous acts in the X-Men's history.

Yes, you could argue that Apocalypse is pretty awful. So too could you argue the same of Mister Sinister or maybe even Omega Red. But neither of them are real. The reason why human horror hits so close to home in these books is because it reminds us of the William Strykers and Robert Kellys of our own world, and how we're no closer to defeating them nearly a century on from humanity's darkest hour.

That hate - that cruelty - is really the most disturbing foe of all. No ghastly ghoul or freaky mutant comes close to matching it.


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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.