10 Most Emotional Wolverine Moments

6. Sabretooth's Birthday Present

Wolverine death
Marvel Comics

Wolverine and Sabretooth have a long history together, in both comics and film. What started as friendship later became bitter enmity, and nothing demonstrates Sabretooth's loathing and downright cruelty more than 1989's Wolverine #10.

The issue is mostly flashback, with Wolverine thinking back to decades ago, when Sabretooth committed his most hateful act in comics. First, he kills Wolverine's lover, Kayla Silverfox, which is gut-wrenching in itself, but what follows is more painful, even for a mutant with healing factor like Wolverine.

After a long and gruelling battle between two vengeful and barbaric mutants, Sabretooth appears to be the victor, and is about to tear out Wolverine's throat out when the latter topples them both off the top of a cliff. It was a close call for everyone's favourite clawed mutant, but the pain of the loss of Kayla Silverfox lasted much longer than the injuries sustained in battle.

It was this event that went on to intensify the decades-long enmity between two mutants, with Sabretooth turning this into an annual tradition, and it shaped the character of Wolverine for even longer.

And all of this was on poor Logan's birthday.


Hassan Akram hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.