10 Most Gruesome Moments In DC History

6. Solomon Grundy Snaps Off Red Tornado's Arm - Justice League Of America (Vol.2) #6

Joker Face
DC Comics

When it comes to Red Tornado, you generally don't expect his character arc in any given series to involve him being mutilated - partially because he's pretty damn powerful, and partially because he is a robot, and therefore can't provide any of the guts and gore that other characters can.

But this all changes when 'John Smith' is bestowed a human body, which is absolutely wonderful right up until a worrying lucid Solomon Grundy starts absolutely wailing on Tornado's new fleshy bod, before ripping his arm completely off, reminding our hero of the painful downside of a human form. It's a surprisingly brutal way to kick off the new series - although that is likely exactly why it was done in the first place.

Oh, and also Grundy eats the torn-off arm, for the record, just in case you weren't quite ready to have nightmares about this one quite yet.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.