10 Most Gruesome Moments In DC History

5. Gordon's Roller Coaster Ride - The Killing Joke

Joker Face
DC Comics

Of the entire famous series, the single most iconic scene of all of The Killing Joke is undeniably the crazy carnival ride that Gordon goes through towards the end of the graphic novel.

It's infamous for being one of the most harrowing moments in all of comic history, and for good reason, as watching a naked and chained up Gordon be forced to watch a slideshow of his wounded daughter weeping in pain is enough to make you genuinely uncomfortable from this point of the comic onwards.

Perhaps the most impressive thing about how genuinely gruesome and disturbing this all gets is that it does it with what (at least nowadays) can be considered minimal gore, with only the blood from Barbara's gunshot wound constituting any sort of proper bloodshed in the scene.

While the ordeal would deservedly gain some flack for shelving Batgirl to be yet another wounded woman in comics, it's a fitting arc that her rise to be Oracle would come out of such a genuinely traumatic - and genuinely gruesome - experience.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.