10 Most Gruesome Moments In DC History

4. Scar Rips Out A Guardian's Heart - Blackest Night #1

Joker Face
DC Comics

Anyone who's familiar with the Guardians of the Universe - small blue aliens who oversee the Green Lantern Corps - is aware of the fact that, for the most part, they're a pretty peaceful folk, helped in no small way by the fact that they can get the universe's space police to carry out their whims.

But a rogue Guardian is still a huge threat, proved best when the tainted Scar bites a chunk out of one of her brethren at the start of the Blackest Night series. Given the aliens are rarely ever shown being violent, seeing Scar rip open a former comrade feels legitimately shocking - which goes twofold for the moment afterwards, where she then proceeds the rip his heart out, setting the grisly tone for the rest of the series.

Although seeing all the dead characters DC had killed off come back as evil zombies was undeniably the most messed up part of the comic, in terms of sheer gruesomeness, the Guardian gore wins out every time.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.