10 Most Heartbreaking Deadpool Moments

7. Copycat Dying For Him

Deadpool facepalm
Marvel Comics

Although totally tragic, having a love interest sacrifice themselves to die in your arms is the vanilla ice cream of comics - good, but not all that exciting.

There are, however, ways this overused trope can be made a thousand times worse - the very best example of this hiding in a 1993 comic known as Deadpool: The Circle Chase.

While Copycat makes the sacrifice, it's made worse in basically every available manner. Firstly, seeing both Deadpool and Copycat emotional is pretty brutal on its own, as both characters are incredibly emotionally hardy folk. On top of that, Copycat's later admission that she no longer loves him, but did it because they had once both loved each other is a beautiful, if completely sadistic twist on this exact scenario.

But the very worse part comes afterwards, when a drained but significantly more alive Copycat apologises to Deadpool, and then leaves with Garrison Kane - her new love interest - just to rub some extra salt in the wound.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.