10 Most Heartbreaking Deadpool Moments

6. Sacrificing Himself

Deadpool facepalm
Marvel Comics

Return of the Night of Living Deadpool can be seen to beat its predecessor in two ways; firstly, in somehow managing to have an even more ridiculous name than 'Night of the Living Deadpool', but also in managing to have an even more heartrending ending too.

Given Night of the Living Deadpool ends with Wade dying to an endless swarm of zombies while searching for the cure, managing to one up this is fairly impressive. There's something about combining Deadpool and zombies that makes for some uniquely serious moments in an otherwise lighthearted series - made all the worse when in the last couple pages it becomes clear a happy ending is possible for everyone but our Superhero.

It seems almost impossible to have Deadpool, of all heroes, manage a noble heroic sacrifice without it seeming out of character. Yet seeing Wade willingly forfeit his life - with nobody making him, in spite of being told how much he'll suffer - to save the whole damn world is equal parts believable and emotional. The slow, drawn out rot of the method adds a little extra to the sadness factor too - if only by being completely gross.


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