10 Most Heroic Things Lex Luthor Has Ever Done

6. Broke The Anti-Life Equation - Final Crisis

Lex Luthor Justice League Unlimited
DC Comics

Final Crisis is by far one of the weirdest and most offbeat things that Grant Morrison has ever written for the mainstream comic industry, and that if you know anything about the man, you know that that threshold is vast.

But look through the awkward same-voice dialogue, odd story beats, and strange interpretations of certain characters, and you have easily one of Lex Luthor's most badass moments.

When it's revealed that the Secret Society's newest benefactor Libra was really just paving the way for a conquest by Darkseid, who has at last found the anti-life equation and uses it for horrifying results on the people of Earth, Lex begins working in secret to undermine his efforts. While the other villains are under the equation's control, Lex and Dr. Sivana work across the story to find some way to undo the damage.

Not only do they succeed in breaking the anti-life equation, but Lex even personally takes Libra off the board permanently. And you would think there would be some long-game play here for his own power, but nope, at that point, Lex just wanted Libra to go down.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?