10 Most Heroic Things That Thanos Has Ever Done

1. Giving Captain Marvel A Noble Death - The Death Of Captain Marvel

Thanos Avengers
Marvel Comics

The Death of Captain Marvel is, put most simply, over one hundred pages of straight-up emotional devastation, culminating in one of the most surreal experiences ever, as we see Thanos, Marvel's biggest rival, come to the man's deathbed to help him out.

While Thanos doesn't save Marvel, he does bring him two surprisingly emotional gifts; the first being one last glorious battle, and the second being bringing Marvel to Death, showing the hero that she isn't someone to fear.

It's clear that Thanos' goal in the series is to help his enemy as best he could, and to honour him the whole time - and frankly you can't see all that and not consider it one of the Mad Titan's most heroic and well-intentioned gestures.

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Thanos Infinity Saga
Marvel Comics

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