10 Most Heroic Things That Thanos Has Ever Done

2. Guarding The Reality Gem - Various

Thanos Avengers
Marvel Comics

Given that most people's knowledge of Thanos consists of knowing that he's done some very bad things with the Infinity Gems both in the film and comic universe, it may come as a fairly huge surprise to learn that the Mad Titan was actually entrusted with the Reality Gem for safekeeping.

While this initially sounds completely surreal, it does make sense, as Thanos is one of very few characters in the Marvel universe who outright refuses to use the gem by itself. As he states, the gem is too precarious to use alone, as it could easily threaten the safety of reality itself - and while Thanos isn't exactly a hero, he doesn't want to see his universe totally shattered, meaning he's willing to protect it from literally everyone.

Indeed, Thanos canonically guards the artefact for some time, meaning the entire universe owe their continued existence to the fact that the 'The Outcast' was moral enough to keep the gem without ever using it.


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