10 Most Heroic Things That Thanos Has Ever Done

5. Fighting Against The Cancerverse - The Thanos Imperative

Thanos Avengers
Marvel Comics

For anyone not well-versed in the questionably named Cancerverse, the simplest explanation is that it is a universe wherein Death itself has been eradicated, leading to a series of terrifying dark gods twisting everything in the universe to be pure, undiluted nightmare fuel.

As the long-time suitor of Death in the main Marvel universe, Thanos is understandably pretty enraged when he sees this universe, and the threat it is beginning to impose on his own. This in mind, he sets a trap for the Cancerverse's leader - a corrupted Captain Marvel - that brings Death into this universe, who promptly murders the former hero in cold blood.

This all required Thanos to risk his own life, which is undeniably a heroic move, even if Thanos generally craving his own demise makes it slightly less impressive.


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