10 Most Heroic Things That Thanos Has Ever Done

4. Saving Death (With Deadpool) - Deadpool Vs. Thanos

Thanos Avengers
Marvel Comics

Deadpool vs. Thanos is one of the most surreal comics to ever contain the Mad Titan, as it features Thanos teaming up with the Merc with a Mouth in order to save their mutual love interest, Death, from a bizarre kidnapping that takes her outside of the universe itself.

Thanos not only saves Death from this fate, but also saves Deadpool's life from the Abyss Man, which is weirdly an even more heroic move, as he's saving his direct competitor for Death's affection, seemingly just because he's grown to respect the strange assassin.

While these are all the kind of noble moves you'd expect from a superhero, Thanos does balance this out by trying to end the universe yet again at the end of the series, in order to try and win over the affections of Death. But in the big scheme of things, without his help Deadpool couldn't have saved the universe, so it's still more heroic than not.


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