10 Most Heroic Things That Thanos Has Ever Done

3. Defended Asgard (From Thor) - Thor: Blood And Thunder

Thanos Avengers
Marvel Comics

Thor: Blood and Thunder sets up perhaps one of the wildest scenarios Marvel has ever made, as it follows a story that sees Thor lose his mind to rage and try to destroy Asgard itself. In a pretty massive twist, it's the villainous Thanos that ends up saving the day, putting Thor in stasis and then taking him to see his father Odin, which works to cool the Norse God's anger.

Perhaps the most surreal part about this whole thing is that Thanos is given pretty much endless opportunities to try and kill Thor, and yet he resists every time, showing that, for all his evil deeds, he's not as murder-happy as most of his worst moments make him out to be.

It's also pretty surreal to realise that, without Thanos' help, Thor might have stayed stuck a murderous beast forever, meaning he basically owes his current sanity to the Mad Titan.


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