10 Most Heroic Things The Suicide Squad Have Ever Done

5. Harley Driving Herself Insane

Suicide Squad DC rebirth Harley Deadshot Katana
DC Comics

When an attack meant to drive all the Squad insane drives Harley sane, she ignores the practical route of hightailing it out of there, and instead launches into a daring rescue, saving the lives of a whole prison in the process. Presented with a situation where she could retain her sanity and have a chance at going back to a normal way of life, Harley gives it all up to save her cruel boss and co-workers - something that few would do in the same situation.

The Suicide Squad are hardly friends either, meaning for all her villainous tendencies, Harley cares about people who she isn't really close to enough to risk her life - and mind - for them.

Harley Quinn is by no means a perfect example of what a hero is, but damn if she's not a team player.


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