10 Most Iconic Spider-Man Covers - Ranked

3. Amazing Fantasy #15

Chapterone Cover
Marvel Comics

You may be shocked that the web slinger's first appearance isn't number one on this list, but bear with me here.

As far as final issues go, Amazing Fantasy blows every other finale out of the water.

There few comic books in the world that have been more important than this issue and these days a copy sells for anywhere between $8000 to an insane $875,000. But while Steve Ditko would get the credit alongside Stan Lee for Spidey's creation, it was actually Jack Kirby's pencils that put together the first glimpse the world would ever see.

The story of this cover is an odd one, with Lee flip flopping between the two artists during its creation.

Kirby actually pencilled the first drafts, but his work didn't sit right with Lee, who would go on to state he actually hated the Kirby's interpretation as it seemed too heroic. Ditko was then brought in to pencil the entire book, but when it came to the cover, Lee wasn't happy once again.

Despite being pleased with Ditko's interiors, he went back to Kirby and asked him to draw the all-important cover, with Ditko providing the inks.

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