10 Most Inappropriate Spider-Man Storylines

5. Spider-Man Is Eaten Alive... By Spiders - Vault Of Spiders #2

Spider-Man MJ Peter Parker
Marvel Comics

While there are practically infinite versions of Spider-Man for fans to fawn over, the fan-favourite version of the hero has to be that of 'Spiders-Man' - a series of spiders who all collectively believe themselves to be Peter Parker, and who work as a hivemind to fight crime.

While this is initially all we're told about the strange arachnid hero, his full backstory comes out in Vault of Spiders #2, where we see Spiders-Man's horrific origin story. As it turns out, the whole thing still starts with Peter Parker - only, instead of merely being bitten by a rogue spider, he falls into a vat of the radioactive bugs, who then promptly eat him alive.

While it's not shown in graphic detail, the whole thing feels crazy intense for what was a joke character up until then. That said, this is the same comic that brought us the Spectacular Spider-Ma'am beating down the Vulture while in a baker's hat, so maybe the series really can accomplish anything.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.