10 Most Interesting Marvel Superhero Teams You've Never Heard Of

7. Slingers

Midnight Sons
Marvel Comics

A long time before the controversial DC event, Spider-Man had an identity crisis of his very own.

After he was framed for murder, Peter Parker had to temporarily give up his Spider-Man identity. Reasoning that a single new hero with similar powers would be suspicious, he created four new identities to fight crime as while he cleared his name.

Once Spider-Man cleared his name, the costumes were bought by Daniel Lyons, who had been the hero Black Marvel in WWII. Lyons gave the costumes to four teenagers who formed the short-lived group the Slingers.

Former wrestler Ritchie Gilmore became the super-strong Prodigy, super-agile mutant Johnny Gallo became Ricochet, Eddie McDonough wore a full-body flight suit as Hornet to help with his cerebral palsy and undead goth Cassie St. Commons became Dusk.

Their series didn't prove popular and was soon cancelled (it wasn't helped by the first issue's stupid gimmick that you needed to buy four copies to get the whole story, one from each character's perspective). After the series was cancelled, Black Marvel died of old age and the team disbanded.

Since then, Hornet was killed by a brainwashed Wolverine and Dusk completely disappeared. Prodigy joined Iron Man's side during Civil War before retiring to become a motivational speaker and Ricochet was last seen as a student at Avengers Academy.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.